A specific feature of this domain is the complexity of the juridical problems related to it, due in large part to specific domestic property-related risks and practice.
The extensive experience of our attorneys, allows BANU & ASSOCIATES to render complete legal support to the client, starting with the due diligence of the market opportunities in terms of legal risks assessment and structuring of feasible acquisition and development legal strategy, going through security of investment, financing and acquisition, and aiming to the optimal development of the property and its marketing.
Our specialized lawyers identify from legal perspective the feasibility of the properties, provide our client with legal advice regarding the financing and partnership, they obtain the needed approvals and authorizations, negotiate and conclude the specific agreements. BANU & ASSOCIATES takes active part in managing and assessing the client’s investment.
BANU & ASSOCIATES lawyers developed strong practice in the field of property expropriation for the implementation of public utility projects, including road infrastructure, representing either the expropriator or the owners aiming to obtain fair market compensation.
We are particularly familiar with the acquisition / concession, rehabilitation, lease and operation of first class historical and/or architectural monument properties.
Working on behalf of individual clients of the residential projects, we have obtained excellent results in the out-of-court settlement of disputes with the developers, based upon handing-over delays or poor standards of execution.
Our experts:
Oana Elena Nasta – Partner oana.nasta@brnlegal.ro
Aura Bunea – Senior Associate aura.bunea@brnlegal.ro